Volume 15, Number 1

Mining Actionable Patterns in Bigdata for Enhanced Human Emotions


Sanchari Chatterjee1 and Angelina Tzacheva2, 1 University of North Carolina, USA, 2 West Cliff University, USA


Action Rules are rule based systems that extract actionable patterns which are hidden in big volumes of data. Huge amount of data gets generated from Education sector, Business field, Medical domain and Social Media, in a single day. In the technological world of big data, massive amounts of data are collected by organizations, including in major domains like financial, medical, social media and Internet of Things(IoT). Mining this data can provide a lot of meaningful insights on how to improve user experience in multiple domain. Users need recommendations on actions they can undertake to increase their profit or accomplish their goals, this recommendations are provided by Actionable patterns. For example: How to improve student learning; how to increase business profitability; how to improve user experience in social media; and how to heal patients and assist hospital administrators. Action Rules provide actionable suggestions on how to change the state of an object from an existing state to a desired state for the benefit of the user. The traditional Action Rules extraction models, which analyze the data in a non distributed fashion, does not perform well when dealing larger datasets. In this work we are concentrating on the vertical data splitting strategy using information granules and creating the data partitioning more logically instead of splitting the data randomly and also generating meta actions after the vertical split. Information granules form basic entities in the world of Granular Computing(GrC), which represents meaningful smaller units derived from a larger complex information system. We introduced Modified Hybrid Action rule method with Partition Threshold Rho. Modified Hybrid Action rule mining approach combines both these frameworks and generates complete set of Action Rules, which further improves the computational performance with large datasets.


Emotion Detection, Meta Action, Information granules.