Volume 10, Number 3

Rain Streaks Elimination Using Image Processing Algorithms


Dinesh Kadam1, Amol R. Madane2, Krishnan Kutty2 and S. V. Bonde1, 1SGGSIET, India and 2Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., India


The paper addresses the problem of rain streak removal from videos. While, Rain streak removal from scene is important but a lot of research in this area, robust and real time algorithms is unavailable in the market. Difficulties in the rain streak removal algorithm arises due to less visibility, less illumination, and availability of moving camera and objects. The challenge that plagues rain streak recovery algorithm is detecting rain streaks and replacing them with original values to recover the scene. In this paper, we discuss the use of photometric and chromatic properties for rain detection. Updated Gaussian Mixture Model (Updated GMM) has detected moving objects. This rain streak removal algorithm is used to detect rain streaks from videos and replace it with estimated values, which is equivalent to original value. The spatial and temporal properties are used to replace rain streaks with its original values.


Dynamic Scene, Edge Filters, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Rain Streaks Removal, Scene Recovery, Video Deraining