Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 11, Number 01, January 2021

A Cross-Platform Application for Covid-19 Diagnostic


Hamza Chehili1 and Mustapha Bensaada2, 1Frères Mentouri University, Algeria, 2Abbas Laghrour University, Algeria


The emergency of the Covid 19 pandemic has led technology to seek solutions to the different problems caused by the disease. In the monitoring area, connected devices offer new possibilities to a rapid detection and intervention of the new cases. They allow remote diagnostic to infected patients with covid 19 symptoms. However, the heterogeneity of the platform requires applications' developers to develop specific solutions for each platform. In this paper, we propose a cross-platform application that permits developer to use one code to build applications in different platforms. The paper describes the architecture of the application by presenting its three parts: interface screens (UI), data manipulation and authentication implementation. Finally, we show selected screens of an android release as an example.


Cross-Platform, Covid 19, Application, Development.