Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 11, Number 11, July 2021

Lattice Based Group Key Exchange Protocol in the Standard Model


Parhat Abla, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Group key exchange schemes allow group members to agree on a session key. Although there are many works on constructing group key exchange schemes, but most of them are based on algebraic problems which can be solved by quantum algorithms in polynomial time. Even if several works considered lattice based group key exchange schemes, believed to be post-quantum secure, but only in the random oracle model.

In this work, we propose a group key exchange scheme based on ring learning with errors problem. On contrast to existing schemes, our scheme is proved to be secure in the standard model. To achieve this, we define and instantiate multi-party key reconciliation mechanism. Furthermore, using known compiler with lattice based signature schemes, we can achieve authenticated group key exchange with postquantum security.


Group key exchange, Lattice, Ring LWE.