Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 11, Number 18, November 2021

A Novel Privacy-Preserving Scheme in IoT-Based Social Distancing Technologies


Arwa Alrawais1, Fatemah Alharbi2, Moteeb Almoteri3, Sara A Aljwair1 and Sara SAljwair1, 1Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, 2Taibah University, Saudi Arabia, 3King Saud University, Saudi Arabia


The COVID-19 pandemic has swapped the world, causing enormous cases, which led to high mortality rates across the globe. Internet of Things (IoT) based social distancing techniques and many current and emerging technologies have contributed to the fight against the spread of pandemics and reduce the number of positive cases. These technologies generate massive data, which will pose a significant threat to data owners’ privacy by revealing their lifestyle and personal information since that data is stored and managed by a third party like a cloud. This paper provides a new privacy-preserving scheme based on anonymization using an improved slicing technique and implying distributed fog computing. Our implementation shows that the proposed approach ensures data privacy against a third party intending to violate it for any purpose. Furthermore, our results illustrate our scheme’s efficiency and effectiveness.


Anonymization, Fog computing, IoT, Privacy, Social distancing technologies.