Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 12, Number 17, October 2022

MusicApp, A Music Sheet Transcribing Moblie Platform using Machine Learning
and Nature Language Processing


Daniel Wang1 and Yu Sun2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


As technology advances, we have found more practical uses for it. This ranges from such things as cleaning the house using machines to serving restaurants with robots. Using technology, what if we can use machines to automatically write sheet music for us, transcribing it from audio [1]. This paper designs an application to do exactly that. We used Java to write a program and app that would be able to transcribe audio into sheet music and store it on an app. We applied our application to multiple cases and conducted a qualitative evaluation of the approach. The results show that it is possible with some fine tuning and may be usable in the near future.


Music, Sheet Music, Audio to Sheet Music, Flutter.