Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 12, Number 18, October 2022

An Intelligent and Social-Oriented Sentiment Analytical Model for Stock Market Prediction using Machine Learning and Big Data Analysis


Muqing Bai1 and Yu Sun2, 1Brookfield Academy, USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


In an era of machine learning, many fields outside of computer science have implemented machine learning as a tool [5]. In the financial world, a variety of machine learning models are used to predict the future prices of a stock in order to optimize profit. This paper preposes a stock prediction algorithm that focuses on the correlation between the price of a stock and its public sentiments shown on social media [6].We trained different machine learning algorithms to find the best model at predicting stock prices given its sentiment. And for the public to access this model, a web-based server and a mobile application is created. We used Thunkable, a powerful no code platform, to produce our mobile application [7]. It allows anyone to check the predictions of stocks, helping people with their investment decisions.


Stock, Machine learning, Thunkable.