Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 12, Number 08, May 2022

Test Automation for Quality Assurance: A Random Approach


Paul Court and Omar Al-Azzam, Saint Cloud State University (SCSU), USA


Testing is a necessary, but sometimes tedious chore for finding faults in software. Finding faults is essential for ensuring quality and reliability of software for industry. These are valuable traits consumers consider when investing capital and therefore essential to the reputation and financial well-being of a business. This research involves an ongoing trade-off between time and computational resources when testing via random selection of test cases versus complex logical means to find faults. More time will be devoted to an analysis of random test case selection and whether the amount of extra test cases run due to random selection is a viable alternative to the potential time spent fully evaluating the logic for coverage of a generic predicate. The reader will gain knowledge about the expectations for the increase in test cases if randomized selection is employed at some point in the process of testing.


Predicate testing, Fault detection, Simulation, Random selection, Logic coverage.