Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 12, Number 09, May 2022

Approaches in Fake News Detection : An Evaluation of Natural Language Processing
and Machine Learning Techniques on the Reddit Social Network


Moosa Shariff, Brian Thoms, Jason T. Isaacs, Vida Vakilian, California State University, USA


Classifier algorithms are a subfield of data mining and play an integral role in finding patterns and relationships within large datasets. In recent years, fake news detection has become a popular area of data mining for several important reasons, including its negative impact on decision-making and its virality within social networks. In the past, traditional fake news detection has relied primarily on information context, while modern approaches rely on auxiliary information to classify content. Modelling with machine learning and natural language processing can aid in distinguishing between fake and real news. In this research, we mine data from Reddit, the popular online discussion forum and social news aggregator, and measure machine learning classifiers in order to evaluate each algorithm’s accuracy in detecting fake news using only a minimal subset of data.


Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Reddit Social Network.