Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 13, Number 06, March 2023

An Application that Combines Learning and Games to Make Learners Keep Interested in Learning


Larry Zhang1, Yu Sun2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Learning a new language and a new culture is always fun and interesting at the beginning. However, when learners get deeper into the learning process, they find that whether it is memorizing vocabulary, learning dif erent types of grammar, or learning a new culture that is completely dif erent from the learner's country, it becomes very dif icult and learners gradually lose their enthusiasm for learning. Also, some of the textbooks right now are published a long time ago. Teaching some 20 or 30 years ago’s culture won't help the learner and may make them misunderstand the modern culture of that country. So, why can't we give the learner more accurate information and keep the learning process as fun as ever? This paper designs a software that combines the games and learning together. By setting up dif erent scenarios, building a variety of representative buildings, adding various characters to communicate with, designing dif erent culturally significant objects, and conceiving an interesting story plot to let people who are learning a new language or culture can learn in a unique and more fun way. After applying the app to language schools, Japanese language learner communities, and the Internet, the results showed that the app makes learners learn in a more relaxed atmosphere and makes them want to learn more.


2D RPG, Culture, Language, Unity, Explore