Volume 10, Number 3
Multi-Level Feature Fusion Based Transfer Learning for Person Re-Identification
Yingzhi Chen and Tianqi Yang, Jinan University, China
Most of the currently known methods treat person re-identification task as classification problem and used commonly neural networks. However, these methods used only high-level convolutional feature or to express the feature representation of pedestrians. Moreover, the current data sets for person reidentification is relatively small. Under the limitation of the number of training set, deep convolutional networks are difficult to train adequately. Therefore, it is very worthwhile to introduce auxiliary data sets to help training. In order to solve this problem, this paper propose a novel method of deep transfer learning, and combines the comparison model with the classification model and multi-level fusion of the convolution features on the basis of transfer learning. In a multi-layers convolutional network, the characteristics of each layer of network are the dimensionality reduction of the previous layer of results, but the information of multi-level features is not only inclusive, but also has certain complementarity. We can using the information gap of different layers of convolutional neural networks to extract a better feature expression. Finally, the algorithm proposed in this paper is fully tested on four data sets (VIPeR, CUHK01, GRID and PRID450S). The obtained re-identification results prove the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Person re-identification, transfer learning, multi-level feature fusion & deep learning