Volume 17, Number 1

Load Balanced Attack Defense System with Lightweight Authentication and Modified Blockchain in SDN for B5G


Ihsan H. Abdulqadder 1 and Israa T. Aziz 2, 1 University of Kirkuk, Iraq, 2 University of Mosul, Iraq


The involvement of unauthorized packets in Software Defined Networks (SDN) has raised the demand for security. These days, users can access the Internet of Things (IoT) wirelessly over long distances with the use of mobility, and handover. Due to changes in connectivity, the mobility feature is the main reason to permit unauthorized packets. This article uses handover authentication and a modified blockchain to overcome the security issue named LLModBloc. The 5G users are initially authenticated by the edge layer access points (APs) using a hash produced by the lightweight QUARK algorithm using identity and pseudo-ID. The likelihood determines the user's handover if there are too many users connecting to the same AP. A directed acyclic graph (DAC), Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO), and two-level packet based on hexa-features are used in this work. Based on packet characteristics, the capsule network initially divides packets into three categories: normal, suspect, and malicious. Suspicious packets are analyzed using user behavior features and a Q-learning algorithm. Many packets and behavior features were examined. The proposed LLModBlocare evaluated in several metrics such as packet loss, processing time, response time, bandwidth, and latency.The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system, showing that it outperforms other approaches in terms of network-specific parameters.


Packet classification, SDN, Blockchain, Handover authentication, Lightweight Hashing, 5G