Volume 14, Number 5

Increasing the Investment’s Opportunities in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia By Studying
and Analyzing the Social Media Data


Sherif Kamel Hussein1, 2, Sultanah AL-Sedairi2 and Nawal AL-Rahimi2, 1October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Egypt 2Arab East Colleges for Graduate Studies, KSA


Social networking sites are a significant source of information to know the behavior of users and to know what is occupying society of all ages and accordingly helpful information can be provided to specialists and decision-makers. According to official sources, 98.43% of Saudi youth use social networking sites. The study and analysis of social media data are done to provide the necessary information to increase investment opportunities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, by studying and analyzing what people occupy on the communication sites through their tweets about the labor market and investment. Given the huge volume of data and also its randomness, a survey of the data will be done and collected from through keywords, the priority of arranging the data, and recording it as (positive - negative - mixed). The study analysis and conclusion will be based on data-mining and its techniques of analysis and deduction.


Big data, Data analytics, Data Mining, Social media, Kdd, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.