Volume 16, Number 4

The Role of Cloud Providers in IOT Services


Hristina Dimova Popovska, Tome Dimovski and Filip Popovski, University St. Klement of Ohrid, Macedonia


Cloud providers play a key role in IoT services, as they provide the necessary infrastructure, platforms, and services to connect and manage IoT devices and applications. Simply Cloud providers offer These Cloud providers a scalable and flexible computing environment that allows IoT devices to communicate with each other, process data and securely store information. There are several Cloud providers in the market that offer IoT-specific solutions and services such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud. These Cloud Providers offer a range of services specific to IoT, data analytics, and security. This paper compares four Cloud providers, and their advantages and disadvantages. The development of the four Cloud providers and their trends in historical development are also presented with the help of graphs. Finally, a model was created based on three criteria: services, security and big data processing.


Cloud, IoT, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud.