Volume 15, Number 4/5

Gendarmerie Drones Used in National Security Missions


Verónica Mendes Pinto1,2, 3, Tiago Gonçalves Silva1,2,3, José Silvestre Silva1,3,4, 1Portuguese Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR), Portugal, 3Military Academy Research Center (CINAMIL), Portugal, 4Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal


This research advocates support for the continuous development and modernization of the police and gendarmic forces, analysing the use of Drones in the operational activities of the Portuguese and Spanish security, police and gendarmic forces: the GNR and the Guardia Civil. Analysing the implementation and expansion of Drones, valuing how the use of these means is advantageous for the police service and for the operations of the GNR and Guardia Civil. Due to the major changes taking place in the world, it is crucial to rethink security and Portugal is gradually adapting to this reality, resulting in new demands for daily police service. The adopted methodology is based on the inductive method that allowed the data collected through analysis to be generalized of data on Drones of the Guardia Civil, appreciating their characteristics and use, with the aim of understanding and comparing their modus operandi regarding the use of Drones in the GNR. In short, it was possible to verify the importance and potential of Drones in surveillance, reconnaissance and target tracking missions having been carried out productive and important conclusions for building Drones capacity in the GNR.


Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Guarda Nacional Republicana; Guardia Civil