Volume 10, Number 2
Comparing Virtual Learning Techniques Upon Technology Acceptance and Student Engagement in Differing Classroom Environment
Tasfia Bari and Munther Abualkibash, Eastern Michigan University, USA
With divergent educational processes brought forth through the unforeseen circumstances such as a global pandemic, students have become obligated to pursue virtual means towards obtaining their education. Therefore, this study seeks to review the different formats of virtual learning processes and methodologies that are currently made available to students based on student and user perception and technology adoption efforts. Through comparative analysis efforts identifying synchronous, hybrid and asynchronous virtual educational standards across multiple publications and understanding technology acceptance models (TAM) and theories such as perceived usefulness, it is understood that virtual learning efforts which pursue an asynchronous methodology are more comparable in contrast other formats.
Virtual Learning, Technology Acceptance Models, Technology Adoption, Education, Perceived Ease of Use.