Volume 11, Number 3

LARQS: An Analogical Reasoning Evaluation Dataset for Legal Word Embedding


Chun-Hsien Lin and Pu-Jen Cheng, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


Applying natural language processing-related algorithms is currently a popular project in legal applications, for instance, document classification of legal documents, contract review and machine translation. Using the above machine learning algorithms, all need to encode the words in the document in the form of vectors. The word embedding model is a modern distributed word representation approach and the most common unsupervised word encoding method. It facilitates subjecting other algorithms and subsequently performing the downstream tasks of natural language processing vis-à-vis. The most common and practical approach of accuracy evaluation with the word embedding model uses a benchmark set with linguistic rules or the relationship between words to perform analogy reasoning via algebraic calculation. This paper proposes establishing a 1,256 Legal Analogical Reasoning Questions Set (LARQS) from the 2,388 Chinese Codex corpus using five kinds of legal relations, which are then used to evaluate the accuracy of the Chinese word embedding model. Moreover, we discovered that legal relations might be ubiquitous in the word embedding model.


Legal Word Embedding, Chinese Word Embedding, Word Embedding Benchmark, Legal Term Categories.