Volume 12, Number 2

Lexis and Syntax of Medicine Product Warnings in the Philippines


Shielanie Soriano-Dacumos, University of Rizal System, Rizal Philippines


In the Philippines, parents refused their children having an anti-measles and anti-dengue vaccines, which created a medical outbreak. This may not happen if product warnings have been given and explained to the parents. Indeed, product warnings are found to be in their optimal position in safeguarding the life of consumer-patients. This paper anatomizes the lexical features of medicine product warnings in the Philippines which are crucial in the response discourses. A range of linguistic frameworks were applied and significant findings were drawn. Gaps were identified on the use of noun abstractness, synthetic personalization, field continuum, adjectives, and adverbs. Such an investigation brought up the transparency of communicative features of medicine safety texts. In the end, linguistic components create a vital impact on the legal content adequacy of medicine product warnings, unfolding the vitalities of these messages in facilitating informed decision-making among consumer-patients.


medicines, consumer-patients, linguistic components, product warnings