Volume 13, Number 3
Human Intention Space - Natural Language Phrase Driven Approach to Place Social Computing Interaction in a Designed Space
Pronab Pal, KeyByte Systems, Australia
Publishing and sharing content through software has become a regular part of Social Computing today [the term Social Computing is used in the sense defined in Wikipedia (Social computing - Wikipedia, defined in [6].)]. This paper shows how we can achieve social cohesion despite varied software pieces working in their unique way and providing their specialized content. It defines a software methodology to design better socially responsive software by representing Intentions in code and using that as an open inter-component communication mechanism with more ownership and responsibility for both publisher and receiver. Intention Space introduces, for the first time, a close knitting of context and intentions at the core of the computation process, which has not been possible until now.
Intentions, Software Component Interaction, Execution Path, Common Path Of Understanding and Execution (CPUX), Social Computing, Emotional Design