Volume 8, Number 5

Optimize the Learning Rate of Neural Architecture in Myanmar Stemmer


Yadanar Oo and Khin Mar Soe, University of Computer Studies, Myanmar


Morphological stemming becomes a critical step toward natural language processing. The process of stemming is to reduce alternative forms to a common morphological root. Word segmentation for Myanmar Language, like for most Asian Languages, is an important task and extensively-studied sequence labelling problem. Named entity detection is one of the issues in Asian Language that has traditionally required a large amount of feature engineering to achieve high performance. The new approach is integrating them that would benefit in all these processes. In recent years, end-to-end sequence labelling models with deep learning are widely used. This paper introduces a deep BiGRUCNN-CRF network that jointly learns word segmentation, stemming and named entity recognition tasks. We trained the model using manually annotated corpora. State-of-the-art named entity recognition systems rely heavily on handcrafted feature built in our new approach, we introduce the joint model that relies on two sources of information: character level representation and syllable level representation.


Myanmar word stemmer, Sequence labelling, Conditional random fields, Neural architecture, word segmentation