Volume 16, Number 1/2

Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms for Predictive Network Maintenance in 5G and Beyond Networks


Yamini Kannan and Dharika Kapil, New York University, USA


With the evolution of fifth generation (5G) network technologies, network maintenance strategies have become increasingly complex, necessitating the use of predictive analysis enabled by Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. This paper emphasizes exploring how ML algorithms can further enhance predictive maintenance in 5G and future networks. It reviews the current literature on this interdisciplinary topic, identifying key ML models such as Decision Trees, Neural Networks, and Support Vector Machines, and discussing their benefits and limitations. Special attention is given to the methodologies in applying these models, handling of data stages, and the training process. Major challenges in implementing ML in the context of network maintenance, such as data privacy, data gathering, model training, and generalizability, are discussed. Furthermore, the research aims to go beyond predicting maintenance needs to introduce a proactive approach in improving overall network performance and pre-empting potential issues based on ML predictions. The paper also discusses possible future trends including advancements in ML algorithms, Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), Explainable AI, and others. The objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current ML-based predictive maintenance field and outline possibilities for future research. The study finds that the application of ML algorithms continues to show promise in transforming the landscape of network management by improving predictive maintenance and proactive performance enhancement strategies. It remains a challenging yet important area in the context of 5G networks.


5G, Predictive Maintenance, Machine Learning, Decision Trees, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Traffic Classification, Data Pre-processing, Model Training, Proactive Performance, IoT Networks, SDN, AutoML, Explainable AI, Domain-Specific Learning