Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 11, Number 19, November 2021

Ontology-Based Question Answering System for an Academic Domain


García-Robledo Gabriela A, Reyes-Ortiz José A, González-Beltrán Beatriz A and Bravo Maricela, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico


The development of question answering (QA) systems involves methods and techniques from the areas of Information Extraction (EI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and sometimes speech recognition. A user interface that involves all these tasks requires deep development to improve the interaction between a user and a device. This paper describes a Spanish QA system for an academic domain through a multi-platform user interface. The system uses a voice query to be transformed into text. The semi-structured query is converted into SQWRL language to extract a system of ontologies from an academic domain using patterns. The answer of the ontologies is placed in templates classified according to the type of question. Finally, the answer is transformed into a voice. A method for experimentation is presented focusing on the questions asked in voice and their respective answers by experts from the academic domain in a set of 258 questions, obtaining a 92% accuracy.


Question answering systems, Speech recognition, Ontologies, SQWRL patterns, Information Extraction, Natural language processing.