A Helpful Program to Encourage the user to Engage in Physical Activity using Flutter, a Reward System using Firebase and Healthkit API


Chunwei Shi1 and Andrew Park2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


There is an increasing need to provide incentives for people to create healthier habits as the spread of COVID-19 caused many people since then to lead a more sedentary lifestyle. To get more people out and active, Runspiration seeks to incentivize people to move more through a gamified system that rewards people the more they move; users will be required to move at least 2km or more with the amount they can earn increasing the farther they are able to run. The application itself is created using a combination of Flutter and Firebase to handle and maintain user progress as they unlock and earn more coins and achievements to showcase to others. The use of randomness, as seen in the spinning wheel, also helps to increase the motivation of the user to do fitness. The primary challenge we had to overcome was the lack of a solid tool within Flutter for accumulating and using health data in a timely manner, requiring us to explore novel ways to access that information to use with the rest of the app. The application also used the health API from Apple to monitor the user’s fitness status.


Flutter, HealthKit, Firebase, Running