A Helpful Mobile Application to Assist the Behaviors of Autistic People through Mini Games Created Using Unity


Leon Huang1 and Moddwyn Andaya2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


With proliferating rates of people being diagnosed with autism, it has rung the bell for immediate change [7]. Inanef ort to ring the bell louder — though minimalistically — this app was developed to make life easier for autistickids through the refining of their comprehension skills, decision-making skills, and restrictive behaviors [8]. Thiswas done through the making of minigames and an adventure story. Some minigames were designed to cater totherestrictive behaviors of autistic kids by making the games more engaging. Other games focused on improvingcomprehension skills, such as memory or vocabulary. The adventure game tested both comprehension and decision- making skills. Despite the app's positive impact, there were blind spots due to the complex nature of autism. The best solution was to continuously tinker with the app to ensure maximum compatibility with the autistic audience. Although autism is a dif icult diagnosis to cure, such an app can assist in making the lives of autistic kids easier. With increasing rates of autism diagnosis, this app serves as a reminder of the need for more resources to cater tothe growing population of autistic individuals [9].


Autism, Behavior, Minigames, Development