A Mobile Platform for Teachers and Parents to Track Children’s Behavior during Online Classes using Artificial Intelligence


Ziqi Liu1 and Yujia Zhang2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Online schooling has become more and more popular during recent years due to COVID-19 [1][15]. It allows teaching to continue without in-person contacts. A prominent issue with online schooling is teachers are unable to oversee students’ behavior during class as they would in-person. It has been known that many students tend to lose attention. This can make online schooling less effective, causing it to yield worse results than in-person schooling [2]. In order to tackle this issue,this paper outlines a tool that has been developed to monitor children’s mouse and keyboard movements during online classes and analyze the data with artificial intelligence to ensure students are focused in class [3]. For example, if the students are typing and clicking their mouse frequently, then there is a higher possibility the student is not focused because frequent keyboard and mouse movements might indicate they are chatting with friends or playing games; on the other hand, if they are attentive in class, there would be less keyboard and mouse movements, as they should be taking notes.


AI, Online learning, Mobile APP