Enhancing Clinical Trial Access and Diversity: An Innovative App for Personalized Trial Recommendations and Equitable Healthcare Participation


Jasmine Xing1 and Ang Li2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


This project focuses on creating an app to recommend clinical trials to users based on their profiles, improving access and diversity in trial participation. It addresses disparities in trial representation and aims to provide easy access to trial information. The app utilizes web scraping, a recommendation system, and a saving mechanism for trials. An experiment evaluates the recommendation system's accuracy, highlighting the challenges of ethnicity clustering. The app aims to promote equitable healthcare access and expand participation in clinical trials. Shortcomings of existing solutions include limited scope, such as being specific to cancer trials or certain patient groups. In contrast, the app aims to provide recommendations for a broader range of diseases and profiles, improving accessibility and diversity. Future improvements include refining the recommendation model, increasing the number of clusters, adding location-based recommendations, and expanding the trial database. The ultimate goal is to enhance the diversity of trial participants and improve healthcare equity.


Clinical Trial Recommendations, Healthcare, Trial Participation, Personalized Healthcare Access