An Intelligent Mobile Program to Generate Scripts and Images using Artificial Intelligence


Jessica J Lin1 and Tongchen He2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


This paper explores the problem of creative block in writing and art and aims to improve the efficiency and inspiration of brainstorming through AI-powered script and image generation [7]. We propose a solution that integrates artificial intelligence into a user-friendly app, capable of generating diverse scripts and images to inspire creativity. Our program leverages natural language processing and image synthesis algorithms to create original content from user prompts [8]. Challenges encountered included ensuring the coherence and originality of AI-generated scripts and optimizing the speed of content generation. By refining the algorithm and streamlining backend processing, we resolved these issues. Experimentation across different user groups highlighted the app’s versatility in supporting creativity for writers, artists, and casual users alike. Key results showed significant improvements in creative productivity and user satisfaction. Ultimately, our solution stands out for its ability to efficiently provide inspiration and simplify the creative process, making it a valuable tool for professionals and hobbyists alike


Script Generator, Image Generator, FlutterFlow, AI