Enhancing Student Writing Skills through Gamification: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Textopia, an AI-Driven Platform for Personalized Writing Prompts and Feedback


Yiting Min1 and Moddwyn Andaya2, 1Fairmont Preparatory Academy, USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Textopia is an inventive platform addressing the decline in writing skills among students by combining writing with gaming to make learning enjoyable [1]. It leverages OpenAI's API for generating personalized writing prompts and provides instant feedback on writings to enhance students' skills [2]. The system includes components like PromptManager for prompt generation and FeedbackManager for offering constructive feedback and grammatical corrections. Moreover, Textopia integrates a gaming element where progress in writing unlocks new gaming features, linking educational achievements with gaming rewards. This approach aims to motivate students, making writing a rewarding activity. An experiment within the research illustrates significant improvement in writing quality through iterative feedback and writing exercises, suggesting Textopia's effectiveness in fostering writing skills [3]. By transforming writing from a chore into an engaging experience, Textopia addresses educational challenges, rekindles students' passion for writing, and opens avenues for academic and personal growth. This innovative blend of writing and gaming in education offers a promising solution to enhance student engagement and writing proficiency.


Inventive Platform, OpenAI, Education, AI Writing