Zixuan Chen1 and Garret Washburn2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA
In the current digital age, the capability of a business or workforce team to send out or receive a mass amount of emails is increasingly becoming more important. However, with this becoming more and more of a necessity, the tools to do so are not developing as rapidly. The method this paper seeks to provide as a solution to this problem is the Email Sender and Receiver applications that are described within this paper [1]. The main technologies used to create these Python applications behind the scenes are the Mailgun API, the Gmail API, and the PySimpleGui Python library [2]. One of the challenges that we faced during the development of the Email Sender and Receiver applications was the scheduling of emails for recipients in diferent timezones, as it is important that the sending of emails be accurate to their time across the globe. Another challenge faced during development was the configuration and maintenance of the Google Project in order to use the Gmail API, as the backend for the Email Receiver application relies on the Gmail API to grab from the user account [3]. To ensure the functionality and eficiency of the Email Sender and Receiver applications, we conducted experiments on both applications to test their limits. For the Email Sender application, an experiment was conducted to see how the size of the email being sent would af ect how the application runs, and we found the application to be quite stable. Additionally, for the Email Receiver application, another experiment was conducted to test and see how far into the past we could grab emails and not impact the application. As a result, we found the Gmail API limits how many emails you may grab in one request. To conclude, the Email Sender and Receiver applications are viable tools for companies and individuals alike, as both applications provide an easy-to-use bulk email tool that doesn’t compromise on functionality.
Bulk Email, Email System, Software, Bulk Email System