Conversational Rubert for Detecting Competitive Interruptions in ASR-Transcribed Dialogues


Dmitrii Galimzianov and Viacheslav Vyshegorodtsev, DeepSound.AI, Kazakhstan


Interruption in a dialogue occurs when the listener begins their speech before the current speaker finishes speaking. Interruptions can be broadly divided into two groups: cooperative (when the listener wants to support the speaker), and competitive (when the listener tries to take control of the conversation against the speaker’s will). A system that automatically classifies interruptions can be used in call centers, specifically in the tasks of customer satisfaction monitoring and agent monitoring. In this study, we developed a text-based interruption classification model by preparing an in-house dataset consisting of ASR-transcribed customer support telephone dialogues in Russian. We fine-tuned Conversational RuBERT on our dataset and optimized hyperparameters, and the model performed well. With further improvements, the proposed model can be applied to automatic monitoring systems.


Competitive and cooperative interruptions, speech overlaps, backchannels, conversation analytics, customer satisfaction monitoring, call center monitoring, conversational RuBERT