Security Concerns in IoT Light Bulbs: Investigating Covert Channels


Janvi Panwar and Ravisha Rohilla, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, India


The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has raised significant concerns regarding their security vulnerabilities. This paper explores the security risks associated with smart light systems, focusing on covert communication channels. Drawing upon previous re- search highlighting vulnerabilities in communication protocols and en-cryption flaws, the study investigates the potential for exploiting smart light systems for covert data transmission. Specifically, the paper repli-cates and analyzes an attack method introduced by Ronen and Shamir, which utilizes the Philips Hue White lighting system to create a covert channel through visible light communication (VLC). Experimental re-sults demonstrate the feasibility of transmitting data covertly through subtle variations in brightness levels, leveraging the inherent functional- ity of smart light bulbs. Despite limit.ations imposed by device constraints and communication protocols, the study underscores the need for height- ened awareness and security measures in IoT environment. Ultimately, the findings emphasize the importance of implementing robust security practices and exercising caution when deploying networked IoT devices in sensitive environment.


Internet of Things (IoT), Security vulnerabilities, Smart light systems, ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) protocol, Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, Firmware manipulation, Covert communication channels, Visible light communication (VLC), Data ex-filtration, Air-gapped networks, Smart LED bulbs, PWM modulation, Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Light sensor, Signal processing