A User-Friendly and AI-Based Mobile Application to Assist in Trip Planning using Large Language Models


Ka Ling Gou1 and Tongchen He2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


This paper introduces the Utrip app, explaining various functions and the codes involved in this app. We solved problems like music recommendations and AI chatbox, making sure that they ran without getting errors [1]. So, the user can use it to enhance their travel experience. One of the problems that we encounter is that the GPT model we used does not naturally return a JSON format for our app to read [2]. Therefore, we need to engineer our prompt to specifically ask for a response in a designated JSON format, and parse the response string to convert it to JSON. In our experiment, we tested out the rate of error while using different prompt formats for the GPT model [3]. We found out that the prompt that specifies a JSON format in English words is the best. We also compared our app to ones made by others. Our app allows users to create their own travel plans, and the AI chatbox provides suitable suggestions based on real-time scenarios.


Trip Planning, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Model (GPT-4), AI Chatbot.