A Smart Community-Driven Tutoring Mobile Platform using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Haoyun Yang1 and Yu Cao2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Our application aims to assist students with class materials by providing a platform with multiple-choice and free-response questions for them to practice [13]. We built this application with Flutter and Firebase which provides compatibility through different mobile platforms and secure data storage [14]. To provide an effective and user-friendly interface, we allow everyone to create their own quizzes based on their focus area and explore quizzes others created. We also developed a hint system where the user can access the hint if they struggle to find the correct solution. Moreover, the user can access their recent quiz attempts to further review the concepts and materials they missed. We validated the effectiveness of the application by conducting an experiment on the user’s quiz score over time given continuous practice. We also conducted another experiment on the impact of hints on users’ understanding of materials which concluded a mixed results in their accuracy. Throughout our tests, we proved the effectiveness of the application and its success in fulfilling its purpose.


Education, Academic, Mobile Application, Practice