Zelin Jason Hu1 and Garret Washburn2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA
The need for immediate medical or psychological attention is something that humanity has always needed as an essential service [1]. However, it is apparent nowadays that most individuals would say that the medical attention they receive is hardly immediate and doesn’t provide a diagnosis or advice in a quick fashion. To solve this issue, we propose the Physiomed mobile application available on both the Apple and Google Play Stores. The Physiomed mobile app provides immediate professional AI generated diagnosis and advice to individuals who have encountered physical or emotional symptoms in their day-to-day life [2]. The Physiomed application utilizes ChatGPT AI prompt generation on a hosted back-end server that receives the symptoms from different users and can provide accurate diagnosis based on real life medical data. The biggest challenge during development was creation of the prompt to receive insightful and accurate diagnosis, as well as the communication between the back-end server and the different user’s mobile devices.
AI-powered diagnosis, Mobile health app, ChatGPT integration, Real-time medical advice