A 5G Standalone Network Analysis Testing and Security Vulnerability Detection using a Firecell Testbed


Ndidi Anyakora and Cajetan M. Akujuobi, Prairie View A &M University, USA


With the proliferation of 5G networks, evaluating security vulnerabilities is crucial. This paper presents an implemented 5G standalone testbed operating in the mmWave frequency range for research and analysis. Over-the-air testing validates expected throughputs up to 5Gbps downlink and 1Gbps uplink, low latency, and robust connectivity. Detailed examination of captured network traffic provides insights into protocol distribution and signalling flows. The comparative evaluation shows only 0.45% packet loss on the testbed versus 2.7% in prior simulations, proving improved reliability. The testbed achieved a throughput of up to 5Gbps downlink and 1Gbps uplink with minimal latency, meeting expected 5G network benchmarks. The results highlight the efficacy of the testbed for security assessments, performance benchmarking, and progression towards 6G systems. This paper demonstrates a robust platform to facilitate innovation in 5G and beyond through practical experimentation.


5G Networks, Firecell Labkit, Standalone, mmWave, Security Vulnerabilities.