Haowen Yu1 and Soroush Mirzaee2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA
Dehydration poses a significant global health risk, impacting a diverse population across various age groups [1]. Despite numerous efforts to promote hydration, traditional methods often rely on manual logging in mobile applications, a process prone to user neglect and inaccuracy. SmartFlask, an innovative hydration-monitoring device, seeks to address these limitations by offering a fully automated solution that seamlessly integrates into users' daily routines [2]. Equipped with a time-of-flight (ToF) sensor, SmartFlask tracks water consumption without requiring user input, while an AI algorithm recommends personalized daily water intake based on individual factors such as height and weight [3]. By eliminating the need for manual tracking and providing tailored hydration goals, SmartFlask offers a comprehensive approach to improving hydration habits. This paper details the development, functionality, and potential health benefits of SmartFlask, demonstrating its promise as an effective tool for addressing dehydration on a global scale.
Dehydration, ToF, AI algorithm