An AI-Enhanced Training Platform for Outdoor Camping Leadership with Youthprograms using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Peicheng Yu1 and Christopher Wadley2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


This paper addresses the inefficiency of traditional staff training for camp employees, which often requires extended in-person sessions before the camp begins. StaffPrep is designed to reduce the time staff spend on-site for training, allowing them to enjoy their summer vacation while learning essential skills remotely [1]. The app has three core components: an AI-driven feature that generates situational questions and answers to quiz staff members; a multiple-choice quiz platform that records scores and reports them to the camp for staff qualification; and an authentication system that enables users to create accounts and track their learning progress. To evaluate the app’s effectiveness, 32 AI-generated questions were assessed for quality and relevance on a scale of 1–10, with results indicating high relevance and quality. Time is valuable, and StaffPrep empowers users to save time while maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the training process.


Remote training, AI-generated quizzes, Staff qualification, Camp employee efficiency