The Impact of Gender on Digital Ethics and Technology use Among Academic Staff at the University of Tirana: An Analysis by Faculties


Majlinda KETA and Valentina SINAJ, University of Tirana, Albania


This study aims to examine the impact of gender on digital ethics and the use of technology by academic staff at the University of Tirana (UT), with a focus on differences across faculties. With a sample of 315 lecturers from six faculties of UT, this research uses the questionnaire method to collect data regarding the academic staff’s knowledge of digital ethics, use of technology, trust in digital standards and perception of the impact of digital ethics on institutional culture. Data analysis, descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses raised. Data processing was carried out using R software. The results of this study will provide valuable insight into identifying factors that may help or hinder digital transformation and the use of digital ethics in the academic environment.The analysis reveals that gender is a factor that influences both the use of technology and the aspects of digital ethics that arise as a result of the use of technology. The study can also contribute to the development of strategies to improve awareness and implementation of digital ethics within universities.


Digital ethics, gender, Higher education; academic staff.