Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 9, Number 16, December 2019

Click Volume Potential Maximization in Affiliate Network


Krishna Kumar Tiwari and Ritesh Ghodrao, InMobi Technology Services Pvt Ltd, India


An affiliate network is all about running advertiser’s campaign (acquire new user, download campaign) on multiple/chain of ad-tech companies (aka affiliates), most of the affiliate in affiliate network deals with a huge volume of clicks (pretty much 500M to 1.5B roughly, with click QPS varying from 10K to 25K). Only a small fraction for clicks leads to conversions which leads to revenue to affiliate but hosting a huge volume of clicks costs a lot based on engineering setup. The real challenge here is that we need to maintain the profit after paying for the infra cost, hence it becomes mandatory to optimize on infra cost and revenue equation.

In this paper, we have presented a unique way of modeling the Infra-to-Revenue equation based on click volume and provided a Knapsack way of solving the Infra-to-Revenue equation and maximising our revenue by keeping a constraint on infra cost, which we are calling as CVPM (click volume potential maximization). We have compared CVPM with greedy based optimizations and concluded that CVPM outperforms many of these approaches in most of the real scenarios.


Infra cost optimization, Click optimization, 0-1 Knapsack, Adtech optimizations