Volume 12, Number 2

Storing Data in A Document-oriented Database and Implemented from A Structured Nesting Logical Model


Y. Hiyane, A. Benmakhlouf and A. Marzouk, University Hassan 1st, Morocco


Given the exponential increase in data volumes, the variety of data types, and the complexity of processing, researchers have begun to look at another type of database model that is moving away from the classic rules of the relational model. Among the NoSQL models proposed in a set of research works, there is the document-oriented model. This model relies on the key-document pair. The documents are JSON or XML type. A single key can thus retrieve all information hierarchically and nested, which would require multiple joins in the SQL model. In this work we propose a method of storing data in a nested document-oriented database. The latter will be obtained from a standardized conceptual model by applying the transformation rules from the data conceptual model (DCM) to the nested document-oriented model (NDOM). A performance study will also be carried out in this work to show NDOM model ability to process massive data through aggregation queries.


Big data, No-Relational, Conceptual data modelling, The NoSQL logical data model, Nested documentoriented model, Json MongoDB, Analysis axes.