Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Volume 9, Number 10, August 2019

Automated Regression Tests and Automated Test Optimisation for Getrv


Neil Kevin Patalita Arcolas and Shahid Ali, AGI Institute, New Zealand


Regression testing is a type of testing that is performed to validate that new changes pushed to the system does not have any adverse effect to the existing features. Automated regression testing greatly reduces the time spent by testers to perform these repetitive and mundane tests and allows them to work on more critical tests. The first problem addressed in this project is to add two automated regression scripts to increase test coverage of the existing test automation framework. The second problem is to optimise the automated regression test run to reduce the test run times. Additionally, to improve the automated test run times, redundant expressions were removed and handled in the outermost loop of the automated test run. The project resulted in the addition of two automated test scripts for the automated test run and a significant test run time reduction of at least 60%.


Automated regression, Agile scrum, Automated test run