Volume 13, Number 1
Deep-Learning-based Human Intention Prediction with Data Augmentation
Shengchao Li1, Lin Zhang2 and Xiumin Diao3, 1Arrow Electronics, USA, 2University of Central Arkansas, USA, 3Purdue University, USA
Data augmentation has been broadly applied in training deep-learning models to increase the diversity of data. This study ingestigates the effectiveness of different data augmentation methods for deep-learningbased human intention prediction when only limited training data is available. A human participant pitches a ball to nine potential targets in our experiment. We expect to predict which target the participant pitches the ball to. Firstly, the effectiveness of 10 data augmentation groups is evaluated on a single-participant data set using RGB images. Secondly, the best data augmentation method (i.e., random cropping) on the single-participant data set is further evaluated on a multi-participant data set to assess its generalization ability. Finally, the effectiveness of random cropping on fusion data of RGB images and optical flow is evaluated on both single- and multi-participant data sets. Experiment results show that: 1) Data augmentation methods that crop or deform images can improve the prediction performance; 2) Random cropping can be generalized to the multi-participant data set (prediction accuracy is improved from 50% to 57.4%); and 3) Random cropping with fusion data of RGB images and optical flow can further improve the prediction accuracy from 57.4% to 63.9% on the multi-participant data set.
Human Intention Prediction, Data Augmentation, Human-Robot Interaction, Deep Learning.