Jiaqi Ji1 and Garret Washburn2, 1Dr. TJ Owen's Gilroy Early College Academy, USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA
The technology currently used to monitor school buses and allow for effective communication within them is outdated and does not reflect the technological advances we’ve made as a society. Specifically, it was very common nowadays for parents to be uninformed about the status of their child on a school bus, and the student to be unaccounted for by the driver [2]. To solve this problem, this paper proposes the AI Smart Route mobile application as a solution. The app utilizes facial mesh recognition in order to take attendance and keep track of students getting on and off buses. This allows driver, school, and parents to be informed of whether a student is on the bus. The major technologies used to develop the AI Smart Route mobile include but are not limited too the Flutter framework for the mobile app development, Mediapipe for the facial mesh recognition, and AWS for the back end server hosting [3].To ensure the mobile application worked as intended, experiments were performed to ensure proper function. The AI Smart Route mobile app is an effective application that surpasses the current methods of taking bus attendance and keeping everyone involved informed of who is on the school bus.
AI , Facial Recognition, App, School Bus.